Saturday, July 16, 2011

How To Be Single.

If you're looking for tips on how to be good at this, no, you're on the wrong blog. It's just not what I do. How-to's and tips are not really my cup of tea. Because maybe I just can't figure some things out.

How To Be Single is the latest book I've been reading. Or should I say the first book I've been reading since I-can't-remember-the-last-time-I-have-read-a-book-for-pleasure. Yes. Emphasize on the last two words. i forgot how much fun reading was.

I've reached about a third of the book. I actually thought I wouldn't find it in the bookstores anymore since it's been unavailable in the last 3 weeks. So I immediately bought it when I found a copy last Tuesday. Pretty interesting though. I couldn't put it down. It's somehow Eat, Pray, Love meets Sex and the City

Julie (the protagonist) is now on her third foreign city and so far, I've learned about pride, open marriage, slapping men, and even sleeping with prostitutes. (I've noticed it gets funnier and funnier with each lesson.) I'm currently browsing the website. Apparently there's a reel film about this. I should watch that when I have time. Enough time like now when I am just sitting in front of my laptop, blogging, and actually cleaning up my emails. (Sheesh. All these being connected with your friends drama is flooding my emails with lots and lots of notifications.) I hear the videos are interesting. Because they're real. And because the fictional book came from these non-fiction stories.

Do the lessons I've learned so far matter? I guess so. I'm still a mess, I have to admit. And honestly, I just realized I wanted to travel more now. Like for example, I just asked my friends to take me to the beach soon. And I am actually looking at all these websites recommending good places to go to. And speaking of my friends, last night I went to a friend's birthday party. She knows what I'm going through. And last night, yes last night was a blast because I remembered how good laughing feels. I got resurrected. I think I will be better now.

So if you're going to ask me for tips on how to be single? I have one: no man can ever define your happiness - you've got other people in your life to help you with it. =)

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