Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pet Peeve of the Day: Language Know-It-Alls.

I don't think this is right, ranting early on. But since it is a different day than yesterday, and my pet peeve really did change today, fine, let's stick to it and head straight on to the point.

Far more worse than these so-called Jejemons (which according to my friend, he thinks is a form of bastardized, uneducated usage of the alphabet and numerals - yes, he is that brutally frank), are the English language know-it-alls.

Come on!

Fine, I won't be bragging about the proficiency and fluency I have for the English language, since the only valid proof I have expired two weeks ago. But speaking the language for twenty two freaking years may be enough to qualify me to be authentically fluent, right?

Anyway, I don't really care who speaks the language longer or more fluent or sound better (with an understandable, not to mention authentic, accent of course,) but it really, really, bothers me when people use English words but not know the meaning of it. Big words are only impressive if used properly. Otherwise, you are no different than the Jejemons out there who continue to patronize the bastardization of the human language.

Here's the thing, we're in the Philippines and you can frigging speak the Filipino language anytime, by all means. So if you have no idea what you'll be saying in English, just speak in Filipino and I'll try my best to understand you. It's easier for both of us that I do not understand you, than you not understanding your own self.

Okay. I'm done with my rant. Time to get back to work.


  1. haha. lol. sample nung big words, dali. I wanna hear!

  2. nakamove on na ko e!

    anyway, it is best to discuss this in private, as to avoid further derogatory comments for this person and I do not know what will happen when word gets out that this person doesn't even know what "staggered" means. (I think by now you have an idea who i'm referring to.) And besides, even if that person is out of the topic, you know very well I cringe whenever someone tries to make an impression with big words but ends up making a fool of themselves. Guilty pleasure not, it's torture for my ears. :))
