If you’re a social media marketer like me (or whatever you
call yourself), you probably know what I’m talking about. That Facebook NewsFeed algorithm is a pain in the ass. The new layout is a mixed emotion kind of
thing (wow!, whoa!, wtf?, etc.). Facebook ads probably has ROI if you know what
you’re doing. Hello marketing friends, welcome to social media (although
recently it’s Facebook in the spotlight, Twitter will have to take a back seat
for a couple of days with its recent changes).
I kind of avoid talking about my job that much because of
several reasons. First, I might vent out and that would hurt my reputation
(trying to keep everything I post PG-13 at least). Second, I might break a few
company policies and cost me my job. Third, I have a lot of things to explain
just to give you an idea what my job is like. Fourth, I hate being technical
about things.
But this. God, I just love the new Facebook pages layout.
It’s been out for weeks now and I am so, so, so glad I made
that decision to turn the pages I manage to adapt the new layout. It is easy to
manage the posts. And no, I’m not talking about the Insights tab, we’ll get there
later. The layout is so user-friendly, I can even teach an intern to navigate
through it in five minutes!
I am assuming our fans see the same thing I see everyday on
our page, and if they are, then I must say it’s definitely working for me as a
marketer. It’s very simple: cover photo, important details, and stuff posted by
the page. It does kind of look like the old layouts where all posts get pushed
down to the bottom when a new one is published, but I think it makes the
audience focused on what you just posted.
In my nearly three years with this job, I have been
recycling the same status updates within a year. And with this new roll out,
boom! Fans are finally starting to notice the latest update that gets posted
I don’t know about other pages’ fans but mine even comments
things that are totally irrelevant to the update. Not that it’s a big deal, but
that simply means my engagement’s going up. I honestly think it made fans lazy
to scroll down because the posts now take up a huge space. They’re bigger. I
just feel bad for my older updates, but hey, if your fans are really that into
you, they’ll take time to scroll down and keep reading your content.
So this is another reason why I don’t like to talk about
work. I jump from one thing to another because there’s a lot going on! :p