Monday, December 7, 2009

Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming.

I think my brain was too shaken up this morning when I had one of the earliest intellectual discussions over a long period of time. In Facebook.

But isn't that the whole point of Facebook and all the other social networking sites out there that came around like mushrooms and disappeared like sand castles in the beach when it's time for the high tide? And that is basically the reason why I am blogging right now, instead of taking my noontime nap.

My college blockmate, Carol, is starting to get bored with Facebook. (Isn't everyone else?) Someone pointed out that maybe we need new apps to play with, to which Carol disagreed. I think she is right. Out of the 193 application invitations in my account, I think they all had the same concept of wasting your time to level up.

While they were at the peak of their discussion, I pointed out that my social networking accounts have a shelf life of about three years, and then they die. Why three? I'm basically a year or two ahead of everyone else in the social networking world that by the time half of my friends join the bandwagon, I'm done with it.

It's either I get bored, or everyone else is just copying this or that person's profile gimmicks just to get the same amount of traffic on their page.

Anyhoo, today I tried out Tumblr. As you can see, I am not the first to try it. Haha. Maybe I'm just looking for an escape. I heard Friendster is slowly becoming a Facebook clone. I wouldn't know, I don't check my account there anymore. As for my Multiply, I don't know. It has fallen a few ranks below Facebook as I figured out that most people there are just selling stuff. I can only find a handful of sites worthy of checking out. (And since I still haven't taken my hard disk from the desktop, I am left with nothing to upload, except recent pictures.)


I always thought I will never get bored with Facebook. But now that Friendster is just a a mere copycat and that my friends are starting to get bored with it, I think it's time I find a new networking site. Just to liven things up.

And no. I will not delete or cancel any of my accounts. Because backing them up in my system and reading them offline is just not the same as reading what has been on your mind in the past, along with the other 4 billion people online.

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